TAMS Publications

In this section you can find the publications from TAMS group, as well as recent PhD disserations, MSc and BSc theses. Select the categories below or from the menu bar on the left:
- publications (journal papers and book chapters, reviewed conference and workshop papers)
- PhD theses (dissertations)
- MSc theses (and diploma theses)
- BSc theses (and Studienarbeiten)
- technical reports
For all current lectures and courses of group TAMS,
please visit our lectures page,
or the corresponding STiNE pages.
We also provide an archive of (older) online documentation,
including lecture and course-material, HOWTOs for some tools,
and a couple of references and internet resources.
Online Documentation Archive
- lecture and course-material
- program "HOWTOs"
- literature and references
- links and internet resources