Fachbereich Informatik

Optimized Quantitative Bilateral Symmetry Detection

Author(s): K. Hübner, D. Westhoff and J. Zhang

in: International Journal of Information Aquisition (IJIA), September 2005


In [Westhoff et al., 2005], we proposed a novel method to determine illumination-invariant features in images. The quantitative bilateral symmetry of a given scene is computed using dynamic programming before applying the resulting symmetry image and feature vector signatures to an omnidirectional motion tracking task. Compared to other approaches to symmetry detection in computer vision, the results of our novel algorithm describe symmetry in terms of an absolute region instead of a relative degree. In this paper, we describe further optimizations and details of the proposed Dynamic Programming Symmetry feature detection algorithm (DPS algorithm).


  author = {Kai H"ubner AND Daniel Westhoff AND Jianwei Zhang},
  title = {Optimized Quantitative Bilateral Symmetry Detection},
  journal = {International Journal of Information Aquisition (IJIA)},
  year = {2005},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {241--249},
  number = {3},
  month = {September},
  note = {ISSN 0219-8789},
  keywords = {Bilateral Symmetry, Feature Detection, Image Signatures},
  url = {http://tams-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/people/westhoff/publications/index.php?content=ijia05}