Research Projects
My general research interests are in the field of mobile robotics.
Most of this research is carried out with the
mobile service robot TASER.
The research is concerned with robot navigation and robot programming.
Mobile Robot Navigation
Navigation deals with the three questions where am I, where do I
want to go and how do I get there? The basis for the navigation
system of TASER was developed in my
diploma thesis. The
current research is an extension of this work. One
focus is on the integration of the
vision system into the
self-localisation of TASER.
Mobile Robot Programming
During the work with mobile robots it became clear that
the programming of mobile systems is not an easy task. Together
with the
a framework based on the
was developed to ease the programming of distributed applications
in the context of robotics. Most parts of
TASER's software are
based on this framework. Besides the research projects the framework is successfully
used in the lectures of the group TAMS.