2012 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Information Integration (MFI 2012)
Call for Papers (310kB PDF).
The conference will take place from 13-15 September 2012 at the University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany. Detailed instructions on paper submission and local arrangements will be posted here soon. The conference website will open at the beginning of May 2012.
- Call for Papers
- Paper Submissions will be via the PaperPlaza conference management
system. We have a few last steps to organize, but submission will
be possible after 11/May/2012, and remain open until 30/May/2012.
Please visit
RAS Paperplaza and select MFI-2012 to submit your papers and workshop or session proposals.
- Important Dates: submission of papers and workshop or session proposals: 30/May/2012. Further dates will be annouced here and on the PaperPlaza system.
- Best Papers Award: one best conference paper and one best student paper will be selected from the submitted papers, and prices will be awarded at the conference dinner.
- Fees & Registration: to be annouced shortly
- Program Overview
- Plenary Speakers:
So far, we have confirmed the following plenary speakers:
- Prof. Inaba Masayuki, University of Tokio;
- Prof. Hugh F. Durrant-Whyte, University of Sydney;
- Prof. Vincent Hayward, University of Paris and McGill University, The sense of touch considered as a multi-modal system.
- Student Papers Program
- Special Sessions:
We are looking for strong special sessions proposals,
either half-day or full-day sessions. Current plans include:
- Multi-modal sensing for dexterous manipulation
- Cognitive sensor-fusion
- Tutorials:
We are awaiting your proposals for half-day or full day tutorials
on relevant topics. Our current plans include a tutorial on
- Sensor-fusion approaches in ROS
- Social Program
- Conference Organizing Committee
- Technical Program Commmittee
- Sponsors & Co-Organizers
We will prepare a travel-kit with detailed information about the conference venue, local transport, and tourist highlights in and around Hamburg. This will be available around July. For people requiring travel visas to Germany, please don't hesitate to contact us as soon as possible; we might help with invitation letters and paperwork.- Conference Venue: The conference will take place in the historic main building of the University of Hamburg, and workshops will be in the surrounding modern buildings. A plan of the site and traffic information will be posted here soon.
- Hotels: IRS Hamburg portal
- About Hamburg: Official website, Hamburg tourist information
- Travel Visas
- Contact: mfi-2012 at informatik.uni-hamburg.de