
Class Summary
AsciiDisplay AsciiDisplay - a simple subclass of SimObject that models a red 20-segment display, used as a ASCII-display 0 ..
BitReg6 BitReg6 - a 6-bit rising-edge triggered, editable D-register.
ClockGen ClockGen - a SimObject subclass that models a clock generator with arbitrary frequency, duty cycle and phase.
ClockGen2 ClockGen2 - a clock generator with selectable frequency, duty cycle and phase.
ClockGenWithAutoStop ClockGenWithAutoStop: a clock generator which stops after a predefined number of clock cycles.
Constant Constant - common subclass for Constant_0, Constant_1, Constant_H, etc., that is, simulation models that generate constant StdLogic1164 values.
Constant0 Constant0 - generate a StdLogic1164._0 value
Constant1 Constant1 - generate a StdLogic1164._1 value
ConstantH ConstantH - generate a StdLogic1164._H value
ConstantL ConstantL - generate a StdLogic1164._L value
ConstantU ConstantU - generate a StdLogic1164._U value
ConstantW ConstantW - generate a StdLogic1164._W value
ConstantX ConstantX - generate a StdLogic1164._X value
ConstantZ ConstantZ - generate a StdLogic1164._Z value
DiodeSwitch DiodeSwitch - a simple subclass of GenericGate that models a switch in series with a diode.
GalFuse GalFuse: an interactive switch (with builtin diode) useful for demonstrating ROM, PLA, or GAL arrays.
Gnd Gnd - a SimObject that models a fixed Gnd (0 Volts) connection.
HexDisplay HexDisplay - a simple subclass of SimObject that models a red seven-segment display with built-in decoder, used as a Hex-display 0 ..
HexDisplaySmall HexDisplay - a simple subclass of SimObject that models a red seven-segment display with built-in decoder, used as a Hex-display 0 ..
HexSwitch HexSwitch: a 16-valued (4 bit) hex input switch.
Ipin Ipin - a simple subclass of GenericGate that models an switch.
IpinLarge IpinLarge - subclass of Ipin with a larger Symbol
IpinStdLogic1164 IpinStdLogic1164 - an input pin (and hierarchy connectors) which allows to generate all nine std_logic values directly by clicking: U/X/0/1/Z/L/H/W/D.
IpinVertical IpinVertical - subclass of Ipin with a larger Symbol
LED an animated light emitting diode.
Opin Opin - a simple subclass of GenericGate that models an output pin for connection through the design hierarchy that additionally displays its value like a (red/green/yellow) LED.
OpinLarge OpinLarge - subclass of Opin with a larger Symbol
OpinVertical OpinVertical - subclass of Opin with a larger Symbol
OpinWithLabel OpinWithLabel - a simple subclass of Opin which displays both the colored circle (as Opin) but also a label indicating the current input StdLogic1164 value.
PowerOnReset PowerOnReset - (active low) power on reset generator.
Pullup Pullup - a simple subclass of SimObject that models a Pullup connector (weak +5V).
PulseSwitch PulseSwitch - a simple subclass of Ipin that models an 'pulse' switch.
RandomBitGenerator RandomBitGenerator: a simulation model which generates a new random 0/1 value on each rising clock-edge.
RemoteIpin RemoteIpin - read N bits of data from a remote server and generate the corresponding output events on output ports YN-1..Y0.
RemoteIpin8 RemoteIpin8 - see description for
RemoteOpin RemoteOpin - transfer input events to a remote server using a simple URL protocol encoding and generate a trigger pulse.
RemoteOpin8 RemoteOpin8 - see description for
RomDiode RomDiode: a faked diode useful for demonstrating ROM or PLA arrays.
SevenSegment SevenSegment - a simple subclass of SimObject that models an red Seven-segment display.
SevenSegmentMultiplexed SevenSegmentMultiplexed - model a multiplexed seven-segment display
Stimulus Stimulus: simple stimulus generator with 8 outputs and fixed-length period.
Swatch Swatch - a simple subclass of SimObject that models an analog clock with chronograph function.
Switch Switch - a not-so-simple class that models a switch (or tgate).
Vcc Vcc - a fixed Vcc (e.g.