Class MEXButtonList

Class MEXButtonList


class MEXButtonList
extends Object
MEXButtonList is a header for a group of mutual exclusive buttons of type MEXButton.
See Also:

Constructor Index

 o MEXButtonList(Font)
Create the MEXButton list header.

Method Index

 o GetChoosedNum()
 o NewMEXButton(int, String, int, int, int, int, Font)
Insert a new MEXButton into the list of mutual exclusive buttons.
 o SetChoosedNum(int)
Select MEXButton with given id-number.


 o MEXButtonList
  public MEXButtonList(Font fnt)
Create the MEXButton list header.
fnt - font used for the selected element


 o NewMEXButton
  public void NewMEXButton(int bnum,
                           String l,
                           int x,
                           int y,
                           int w,
                           int h,
                           Font f)
Insert a new MEXButton into the list of mutual exclusive buttons.
bnum - id number
l - label
x - x-ccordinate of the button
y - y-coordinate of the button
w - the size().width
h - the size().height
f - the font used for the not selected buttons
 o SetChoosedNum
  public boolean SetChoosedNum(int num)
Select MEXButton with given id-number.
Returns, if something has changed and an repaint() is needed.
 o GetChoosedNum
  public int GetChoosedNum()
id-number of the selected button