3D-Printing laboratory and projects
In 2014 we founded our new 3D-Printing lab, equipped with a number of 3D-printers and all kinds of useful tools for researchers and students.
We are currently using the lab for active research and development of 3D-printing technology as well as rapid prototyping and development of robotic parts.
For a closer look to the projects, use the links on the left navigation bar.
A primary research area is the integration of conductive material and electronic components into the printing process [
Conductive Printing].
The hardware available in the lab includes:
- 2 Industrial RepRap 3D-printers
Professional printer, mainly for ABS printing. 2 extruders, heated chamber. Open source hard- and software.
- 3D Systems ProJet HD3510
Professional dual material multijet printer for high resolution and precision parts
- Ultimaker2 3D-printer
Consumer grade printer. 1 extruder, mainly used for quick prototyping prints
- 3 RepRap derivate 3D-printer
One of the early, massively customized printer designs. Up to 3 extruders, mainly used as experimental platform and for printing with functional materials like SoftPla, PVA or conductive ABS
- Formlabs Form 2 SLA printer
Consumer grade SLA printer
- Repurposed CNC milling device
This "printer" is used as an experimental platform for research on new extruder technology, pick and place hardware and optical systems on the printer.
- Printserver
All printers are connected to a central print server and can be accessed from inside the departments network.
- Workstations
2 workstations for 3D modeling and print preparation. Installed software includes Autodesk Inventor, OpenSCAD, Slic3r, Cura, ...
- Tools
Tools for post processing of printed parts.

German Junca