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Efast™ exponentiator technology


Setting a new performance standard in public key cryptography

The eFast™ exponentiator sets a new performance standard for public key cryptography. The patent pending eFast™ technology shrinks the gate count that is required for implementing fast exponentiations on an ASIC or a FPGA. If you are implementing cryptographic accelerators for virtual private networks or other crypto accelerators the eFast™ technology will speed up your product or shrink the required space required for exponentiations.

For micro controllers for smart cards the technology will give the manufacturer of the micro controller a huge cost advantage.

Half the size
For a normal ASIC the cost of increasing the chip area is calculated by raising it to the power of four. A preliminary test result shows that the eFast technology can half the size of the numerical processing unit (NPU) that is required to implement a given performance on a ASIC. On an FPGA implementation the speed increase in comparison with known methods for exponentiation is spectacular.

The eFast™ Product

eFast™ Exponentiator prototype PCI card with FPGA
Demo software for the card
Drivers for Linux and Windows 2000
(Shipping 3ed quarter 2001)
(Shipping 3ed quarter 2001)

eFast™ IP-cores for ASIC and for FPGA
(Shipping 3ed quarter 2001)

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Legal notes:
All above specifications are based on development data and should be considered preliminary and could be changed without notice. eFast™ and other technology described in this document is covered by Patents and pending Patents worldwide and brand names owned by Protego Information AB and by Novacatus Invest AB.






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