64-850-S Integrated Seminar Intelligent Robotics
The integrated seminar is being offered as part of the
64-850-P1 Masterproject Intelligent Robotics.
- 04.04.2019: Introduction and topic assignment
- 11.04.2019: [Project]
- 18.04.2019: [Project]
- 25.04.2019: [Project]
- 02.05.2019: [Project]
- 09.05.2019: Jasper Güldenstein - Robot Motion Planning
/ Fahim Zaman - Sound Localization and Recognition
- 16.05.2019: Jonas Hagge - Robot Coordination
/ Jianzhi Lyu - Human Robot Interaction
- 23.05.2019: Sebastian Lembcke - Object Reconstruction
/ Niklas Fiedler - Force Control
30.05.2019: Bank Holiday (Christi Himmelfahrt)
- 06.06.2019: Project
13.06.2019: Pentecost Holiday
- 20.06.2019: Theresa Naß - Reactive Mission and Motion Planning (Driving)
- 27.06.2019: Project
- 04.07.2019: Project
- 11.07.2019: Project
Topic proposals
- Localization and Path Planning
- Motion Planning
- Manipulation and Grasping
- Image Processing for Object Recognition
- Object reconstruction
- Sound Localization and Recognition
- Machine learning (in robotics)
- Robot Coordination (e.g. action planning and state machines)
- Force Control
- Optimal Control
- Human Robot Interaction
- [Your proposals here]