TAMS / Java / Hades / applets (print version): contents | previous | nextTTL-series 74181 ALU demonstration
DescriptionThis applet demonstrates the
TTL-series 4-bit 74181 arithmetic-logical unit.
It takes 4-bit operands and a carry input and calculates one
of 16 logical or 16 arithmetic functions.
Two additional active-low outputs X (/propagate) and Y (/generate)
allow to interface to the 74182 carry-lookahead generator IC
for fast addition.
The M input selects whether the ALU should calculate
logical functions (M=1) or arithmetic functions (M=0).
In each mode, the four S3..S0 opcode inputs select one
of the available operations;
check the table in the applet schematics for the specific funtions
selected by each opcode.
For example, M=0 and S=(1001) select the normal binary addition
including carry, Z=(A+B+Cin).
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Impressum | 24.11.06